Delivering Quality Transportation Services, Mile After Mile

Employment Opportunities

Dispatch Positions

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All of Actions current brokerage dispatchers have been in the brokerage business in excess of 25 years each. Each has vast experience in loading different types of equipment and freight. It is a given that with their varied experience, at least one of them will be able to facilitate your transportation needs.

Action Truck Brokerage welcomes inquiries to join our team at any time. The pre-requisite to join our team is a minimum of three to five years brokerage experience. We are not looking for dispatchers wanting to handle only existing accounts. If you are looking for a great environment to service your existing clientele and trucks, we ask that you consider Action Truck Brokerage as an alternative to trying to manage your accounts on your own. We provide a solid reputation, all computerized and paperless environments for the ease of use, and that can be operated from anywhere. You can be home based, office based or whatever fits your needs.